It’s Official!


In March of 2022, I completed the training to become a certified Health coach. I’ll be sharing some of the new information I discovered during those courses. There was a LOT!

It was an awesome experience that I completed in the middle of a whole lot of “stuff” that I am still working on. I had a lot of knowledge before, but now, I’m absolutely overflowing. And I’m still discovering new information about steps to take on our healing journey.

I love learning!

I am confident that my graduation is not the end, but a beginning…..

I hope to actually start working on a few mini workshops and a monthly newsletter.

I also hope to be able to be more consistent with this blog. i got locked out for a while. I hope that I don’t have to move it, but I think I should at least make a back-up — just in case…

Stay tuned!

More Losses!

Fruit Bowl

I am very pleased to share with you the fact that I have lost another 25 pounds! That makes a total of about 85 pounds since I started changing my diet around 3 years ago. I’m excited!

Whenever I share my weight loss, people ask me what kind of diet I am on. I don’t know if I have said this here before, but I am not on any particular diet. Not Keto. Not Paleo. Not Vegetarian. Not anything that has been defined as “the way” to eat. What I believe has made the most difference is adding more fruits and veggies to my diet.

During one of my most recent stints in college, I learned to do without white sugar. Because it gave me a horrible case of brain fog, I would try to avoid it in all forms until after I took finals each semester. I think that created a level of discipline in that area that I really wasn’t planning on. Honestly, I just wanted to get done with school, so I did what I had to do! I found some great substitutes, too. I’ll write about that later.

There are a few things that likely made a small difference. One of them is my morning ritual of drinking green tea with lemon and honey before my coffee. I also try to do a juice-type fast at least once per week. That means that I try not to eat anything solid until at least it’s time for lunch. I drink juice or tea, but the juice is home-made in my juicer. Sometimes I have a smoothie instead, but that seems to be enough to get me through the morning.

At the end of last year, I joined the gym because it was free. Then flu season came and I actually got sick so I got a bit of paranoia about giving and receiving germs! Then the building got shut down because of some kind of structural issues. That killed it for me because I like to go early and the closest sister gym would have been 30 minutes away! Then the lock-downs closed them all. I probably got on the treadmill a total of 10 times during that 2 or 3 months, so I really can’t give credit to the gym for my weight loss. I actually don’t think I lost any weight during that time period.

I really think being more aware of what I put in my mouth has made the biggest contribution to me being able to lose weight. Exercise is good. Movement helps our bodies not to become stiff, among other things, but being careful of what I eat is what I believe has made the most difference for me.

The photo is a fruit salad that I often eat for lunch or dinner. This one had kiwi, watermelon and strawberries sprinkled with about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and a drizzle of honey. YUM!

Water Matters!

This is one of the most important topics in the area of Natural Healing. I can give you my personal testimony about water at a later date, but for now, I just want to share the medicinal qualities of water from this article

EXCERPT: Water is your body’s principal chemical component and makes up about 60 percent of your body weight. Your body depends on water to survive.

Go to the link below to read more.

Water: How much should you drink every day?

Take what you need and save the rest for later.

Tumeric Soup


I know it’s been a long time! I have been doing life on a limited scale.

I have been meaning to share one of my latest Baby Steps to Natural Healing. It’s actually called Tumeric Tea, but I call it Tumeric Soup. It is so easy to make and there are so many health benefits of Tumeric that it’s a good idea to drink this on a regular basis. NOTE: It’s not recommended for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

One of the best reasons to add turmeric to your nutritional routine is its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is being recognized as the cause of pain and many other chronic conditions. I have chosen to use natural substances for pain and I can say that I will never willingly go back to using any substance that can give me anything in that list of side effects I hear about on those drug commercials.

I found an article that gives a lot of options to make Tumeric Tea as well as how to use it in a few other recipes. To be honest, I my taste buds have not matured to the place where I can add a sweetener to the mix. I guess I have a mental block about things like mixing sweeteners with something that I know is used to season meat? I’m learning.

Take what you need and save the rest for later.

Here’s a link the article at

Tumeric Tea Recipes

Milk Alternatives

I love milk. There’s nothing that tastes like it. But, to help myself on my journey to Natural Healing, I do use alternatives like Almond milk in my coffee. If you have a sensitivity to dairy, or you are simply avoiding milk, here is an article that shares about some alternatives that look like they are relatively easy to make.


Lemons for Healing


Lemon water is one of the first Baby Steps that I took. It helps to balance your body chemistry and that’s a good place to start. I drank it first thing in the morning in warm water with honey and it became a habit. I didn’t change anything else for a while. I have always loved lemons though, so it was not hard except remembering to do it even before I had my morning coffee! Now I drink also add green tea. I will admit that I didn’t like green tea, but lemon and honey help to disguise the flavor so I’m all good with it now.  😉

Here’s an article about the benefits of drinking lemon water.

Take what you need and leave the rest for later.


What is Good Enough?


Not all produce is created equal. There are some that are more likely to be sprayed with pesticides that are known to cause cancer. Some just need to be washed thoroughly and others should be avoided unless you can verify where and how it was produced.

 Here’s the standard list I found on several websites, but read the article for more information on how these choices were made:


Dirty Dozen

Ranked in order from the greatest to least amount of pesticide residue, these were the top 12 fruit-and-veggie offenders. Peaches came in first in the 47 types of produce tested. Buy these items organic whenever possible. Since organic foods can be pricey, offset the cost by buying these fruits and veggies in season when prices are the most reasonable.

1.    Peaches

2.    Apples

3.    Bell Peppers

4.    Celery

5.    Nectarines

6.    Strawberries

7.    Cherries

8.    Kale

9.    Lettuce

10.  Grapes (imported)

11.     Carrots

12.     Pears

Honorable mentions:

Other veggies that ranked high on the EWG list are collard greens, spinach and potatoes.

Clean Fifteen

These items contain the lowest levels of pesticides when grown conventionally. Listed from least to greatest, onion scored the lowest for pesticide content.

1.    Onions

2.    Avocados

3.    Sweet corn

4.    Pineapples

5.    Mango

6.    Asparagus

7.    Sweet Peas

8.    Kiwi

9.    Cabbage

10.    Eggplant

11.    Papaya

12.    Watermelon

13.    Broccoli

14.    Tomatoes

15.    Sweet Potatoes


50 Pounds!

I don’t own a scale. I read an article over 20 years ago that mentioned the possibility that a scale could actually sabotage any weight loss efforts. I don’t remember if I threw it out that day, but I know that I have not had one for at least 20 years.

About 3 years ago, I went to get a general going over by my doctor. The bad news was I had several test results that said I was in a “danger zone”. Fortunately, I had already started some new healthy habits. I’ll share about those things later, but what I wanted to share is that , about a month ago, when I weighed myself at my daughter’s house, I had lost a little over 50 pounds!

I know that it’s not one thing, but the combination of many things, (some that I have not even done consistently) that have not only helped me lose weight, but I just feel better! I know that it took a while, too. My body is okay with that. I was not in critical condition, and some people may need to be more consistent than I was. Whatever it takes, just doing something is better than doing nothing at all.

I’m looking forward to feeling even better. I am praying for my success to be duplicated by anyone who is willing to take their own  Baby Steps to Natural Healing!

Dump the Stress


Your stress level is a huge factor in your health. Sometimes it’s a major cause of chronic diseases and cancer. When we are locked into a program, job or relationship that is increasing our level of stress, we need to make some hard decisions. We can change the way we respond to the stressors in our life, or we can remove them or remove ourselves from them. This article examines making choices in a very challenging way.

EXCERPT: What is worse than leaving a graduate program with tens of thousands of dollars of debt and no degree?  Staying longer and accruing more debt because you feel like you don’t want to lose the money and time that you’ve invested.

Read about the challenge of choosing at