Juice for Health

Getting a juicer was one of my major Baby Steps. I tried to juice at least 5 days per week for almost 6 months. I can say that it made a big difference in my overall energy and stamina! After the first 6 months I wasn’t as consistent, but every time I juiced, it felt like my body was able to pick up right where I left off.

The experts say that the more green your juice is, the better it will be for your body. To be perfectly honest, I still don’t do green very well. I recommend you start with what you like and gradually add some of what you don’t like until you can tolerate the flavor. You can actually train your taste buds if you keep taking Baby Steps. Your body will thank you for the effort!

I got some of my first recipes from Drew Canole. He gives a reason for every ingredient and he loves to share. The Saturday Strategy videos offer lots of healthy recipes. There used to be a new juice recipe every week.

Click below to check out some juice recipes on fitlife.tv


Blue Zones

Have you heard of the Blue Zones?

These are places where people live a long and healthy life! It’s where there is a higher concentration of people who live to be 100 years old. They have a few things in common so we will talk a lot about them and the keys to living long and strong!

Click the link below to learn more about this important research.