Air By Nature

I had no idea that there were so many toxins in the air and built into so many of the surfaces in my home. I was very excited to find out that there are flowers and house plants that can help us with the task of cleaning the air inside our homes. Some are really pretty, too! Here’s an article that offers list of a few that NASA has done research on. <3

Take what you need and save the rest for later. Every little bit helps. 😉

EXCERPT:  95% of what’s inside perfumes, deodorants, body lotions, cleaning products, paints, new carpets, tobacco smoke, shampoos, gasoline and other products are petroleum derived, like acetone, camphor, benzens, aldehydes, ethanol, g-terpins and others. Other indoor contaminants should be more obvious for you: pesticides (like anti-lice products) or solvents (from paints, varnishes, adhesives, treated woods, synthetic fabrics and carpets, and detergents).

Learn about NASA’s research at

Healthy Fast Food?


Sadly, lots of people fail to stick to a Healthy Lifestyle because they feel like they are the only one in their circle. Hanging out is uncomfortable because they are embarrassed by the need to be aware of the ingredients of each and every meal. There are many restaurants that are trying to help. Here’s a short list that actually had some surprising entries.


EXCERPT: Most of the restaurants above may also offer options for the most common dietary preferences, such as gluten-free meals and vegetarian meals.

See the list at

Running with Limits

Movement is one characteristic of people who live longer and healthier lives. The thing this article tells us is that moderation is key. That’s true about almost every aspect of Natural Healing. I never knew that there was a possibility of doing too much exercise! Interesting?

EXCERPT:  Runners who kept it slow and didn’t exceed 2.5 hours a week are 78% less likely to die than sedentary people — but “strenuous joggers” who run for four-plus hours per week at a fast pace are just at risk than the couch potatoes, a new Danish study reveals.

Learn healthy limits at

Blue Zones?


As I began learning about Natural Healing, I learned about a few places, located all over the world, called “Blue Zones”. These are areas where there are high numbers of people who live to be 100 or more years old. They are healthy, even though some smoke and drink alcohol. Here’s a look into the lives of the residents of the Blue Zones. I’ll be sharing about them a lot in this blog.

Learn about these Healthy Citizens at

Healing Body Wash

This is absolutely awesome. I am still experimenting with the different mixtures and amounts. So far, I can say it’s like washing with moisturizing lotion. You can add your favorite Essential Oil scent and it’s as pleasant as you want to make it. And it doesn’t take a lot of time to create these products that can add to your life in many ways. <3

CAUTION: don’t use citrus essential oils because you may have a reaction to sunlight.

Get the recipe at

Beating the Big “C”

I always love to hear the testimonies of people who have survived after being given the worst diagnosis known to man. This guy beat cancer by making drastic changes to his diet. He refused the conventional treatment (chemo and radiation) and looked for the tools to turn on his body’s cancer killing abilities. Here’s one of his recipes. For me, it’s recipes like this big salad that prove that the changes we make on Natural Healing journey can actually taste really good.

Read more about giving your body fuel to fight cancer at

Apple Cider Vinegar

This sour substance can do your body a LOT of good. I use it for heartburn and headaches. I have also used it as a rinse after shampooing my hair. Find out some of the ways it helps the body in the article listed below.

EXCERPT:  The best way to incorporate apple cider vinegar into your diet is to use it in your cooking — for salad dressings, homemade mayonnaise and that sort of thing.

Some people also like to dilute it in water and drink it as a beverage. Common dosages range from 1–2 teaspoons (5–10 ml) to 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 ml) per day, mixed in a large glass of water.

It’s best to start with small doses and avoid taking large amounts, because too much vinegar can cause harmful side effects.

It is recommended to use organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “mother.”

Stress Less

The wrong kind of stress is bad for your health. Your body reacts to stress in natural ways, but when these reactions are prolonged for extended periods of time, they cause disease. One way of keeping stress in its proper place is by spending time with God. This can give you a perspective that promotes healing. Put chronic stress in a place where it cannot have a detrimental effect on your health!

We will talk a lot about this, too.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

-Isaiah 26:3 ESV


Useful Baking Soda

I have found that Baking Soda is not just for baking! Baking soda is very useful. I knew it was used for indigestion, but today, the things I use it for most is washing my hair and in my homemade deodorant.

I read an article a while back that said there was a lady who used it to cure cancer. She applied it to her skin, but some people drink a little every day mixed in a glass of water for many reasons.

Dr. Axe has provided one of many list of some of the many things you can do with Baking Soda. Click the link below to view his article on Baking Soda Uses.